Search/Browse Help - Search Results (Titles List)
About Titles Lists
Titles Lists provide a brief descriptive display of two or more records, generated from Keyword Search and Advanced Search - as well as the Titles beginning with, Title (main) beginning with, LCCN, and Standard Numbers (LCCN-ISBN-ISSN) options of Browse. Titles Lists are also produced when you select headings containing multiple records from Headings Browse Lists of authors/creators, subjects, names/titles, or series/uniform titles. Call Numbers Browse incorporates a hybrid combination of features from both Browse and Titles Lists.
From a Titles List you can re-sort your search results and adjust the number of records displayed per page. You can select one or more records for printing, saving, emailing or citing - with the option to either Select All records on the current page of the Titles List or to mark individual records by checking the box to the left of the brief record information. Records you select will be retained when you page forward and backward through the Titles List. After making your selection, click the Print, Save, Email, or Cite button to the right of Select All.
Titles List Elements
- Search Navigation or Refine Your Search: navigational links located at the top left of your screen that return you to your previous search. This label varies depending on how you arrived at your Titles List results:
- Refine Your Search: link on Titles Lists generated from Keyword Search and Advanced Search - as well as the Titles beginning with, Title (main) beginning with, LCCN, Standard Numbers (LCCN-ISBN-ISSN), and Call Numbers options of Browse. Refine Your Search opens up the appropriate search page with limit options toggled open.
- Search Navigation: drop-down menu on Titles Lists generated from Heading Browse Lists. Search Navigation enables you to either Refine Your Search or return to the Headings Browse List generated from your query.
- You Searched: your search query and information about the type of search you submitted; displayed on all Titles Lists except those generated from Headings Browse Lists.
- Search Results Count: the total number of records in your search results (up to 10,000) and the number of results currently displayed.
- Search Results Navigation: navigational links that enable you to move forward and backward through your search results; located to the right of the Search Results count. Larger screens contain both arrows and paging information; smaller screens contain arrows only.
- Select All: check box to mark all records on the page for printing, saving, emailing, or citing. Marked records are carried over from one Titles List page to the next.
- Print/Save/Email/Cite: services to print, save, email or cite record metadata for selected Titles List items. Labeled icons appear above and below the results list on larger screens; icons only appear on smaller screens.
- Sort: drop-down options for re-sorting your search results by author/creator, main title, or date (oldest to newest and newest to oldest). Titles Lists generated from Keyword Search also enable you to return to the original relevance sort.
- Records Per Page: drop-down menu that enables you to adjust the number of records viewed per page. The default of 25 items per page can be increased to 50, 75, or 100 items. Higher records per page may increase time required to display your search results. Note that adjusting the records per page on a Titles List initiates a new search in the LC Catalog. Your limit and sort selections are retained and the new search will appear in your Search History.
- Search Results: information for each record matching your search; includes a type of material icon, brief bibliographic information, call number/shelf number, and Library of Congress location. Select the link to view the full record.
- Search/Browse Help: context-sensitive help available from either the menu at the top of your screen or the Search/Browse Help link at the bottom of your screen.