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The LC Catalog is the main access point for the Library's collections. Click on the links below to use specialized catalogs and tools for additional LC resources:
Archival Finding AidsGuides to unique Library of Congress archival collections
Copyright Office CatalogU.S. Copyright registrations and ownership documents, 1978-present
Handbook of Latin American StudiesAnnotated bibliography of scholarly works on Latin America
NLS CatalogNational Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled braille and talking books
Prints and Photographs Online CatalogPrints & Photographs Division holdings, including over 1 million digital images
Thesauri & Controlled VocabulariesControlled search terms with a full network of cross-references. Includes LC Subject Headings.
LC AuthoritiesHeadings and cross references for subjects, names, titles, and name/title combinations
E-Resources Online CatalogSubscription and free databases, ejournals, and ebooks accessible at the Library
LC Linked Data ServiceCommonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress (id.loc.gov)
PrimoSingle search for articles and ebooks in selected subscription and free resources available at LC
Sound Online Inventory and Catalog (SONIC)Broadcast and archival recordings, including 78s, 45s, and Copyright tapes